Spirit Of Truth…

Do you remember the day you started High School? Graduated college? Or got married? Look at your watch and write down today’s date. I know this request is unusual but today is one day you will never forget! This message is very important, not because I am the one writing it, but because of WHO directed me to write it. You are about to discover something very powerful for you, your family and friends. May God record these next five minutes when you will make a powerful life-changing decision – one you will remember forever! Allow me to warn you: the devil will give you plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t believe all you are about to read, but your response should be to believe all God says to you.

In January 1995, I began preaching and teaching that Jesus Forgives & Heals ALL who comes to Him in Faith with a Repentant heartWHY have I spent the past 24 years doing this? Well, I could tell you about all the amazing miracles I have witnessed since the beginning of this Jesus ministry. And I have seen more than I can count! As wonderful as it is to tell of those miracles I’ve seen, God sent me, not to tell you about those miracles, but, to tell you HOW YOU can receive your Breakthrough!

In John 3:34, Jesus said, “He whom God has sent speaks the words of God.” God does NOT send His Ministers to talk about sports, the news, and things that cannot help you get Victory over that problem you’re facing. My Lord, Jesus Christ, has sent me to speak Words of Life into your life, and to speak prophetically to you. God does ALL things by the Words spoken by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6; Hebrews 11:3).

I know that right NOW you have a problem in your life, and God sent me to help you get the solution to that problem. God always sends one of His messengers to bring Deliverance to His people that’s the Bible way! Perhaps it’s not you that needs a miracle, but a loved one or close friend. It may be finances, marital problems, or physical illness.

When you read these next few words you will identify with them: a long Dark Night, nothing happening, nothing changing. This may apply to your home, your ministry, business, school, or job; this may apply to a long lonely Night that you’ve been waiting to receive your healing or financial breakthrough. I have WONDERFUL news for you! THERE IS HOPE! Things WILL change. Your life WILL change. Your life WILL get better; it WILL change for the better – IF you will ONLY BELIEVE it! The one thing, the only thing you must do now is START thinking differently; and once you do THIS YEAR will be different than last year. 


Two men apply for jobs. They look exactly alike. On their applications they list the same last name, address and phone number. They were born to the same parents, on the same day, same month, same year. Everything is identical

The receptionist says, “You must be twins.” 

But they say, “No.” 

How is that possible?

Don’t know? Click here for the answer.